This Month in Torch History: April

April 14, 1970

Let it Be by The Beatles was topping the charts, John Wayne had won Best Actor at the Academy Awards, and Nixon had just been elected president. On this day, LCC was reporting about the Apollo 13 mission. The ship was supposed to make it to the moon but the mission was aborted after structural damage was reported. With LCC elections coming up the paper did a deep dive on all the candidates.

April 1, 1994

The Sign by Ace of Bass was all the rage, smoking was officially banned at the Pentagon and all Military bases, and LCC distributed their parody issue, The Torck. Full of misspellings, blurry articles, and a date reading April 31, 2000. 

April 2, 1998

President Clinton claimed that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman,” Pol Pot, the murderous leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, died of a heart attack, and LCC increased the cost of classes from $34 a credit hour to $36 a credit hour. LCC also featured a pet giveaway in their April 2, 1998 paper.

April 19, 2017

Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran were competing for the number one song, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Florida to talk with President Trump, and the LCC fencing club was headed to national qualifiers.