March 28, 2025
Torch 10

With the rise of coronavirus cases, governments in countries across the globe have been asking people to observe health and safety protocols to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus. Each country has had its fair share of struggles when dealing with the pandemic.  Here is a perspective of what coronavirus protocols look like in Malaysia.

MySejahtera Mobile Application: Malaysia has a mobile application called “MySejahtera,” which translates to “my wellbeing.” With the app, Malaysians can track their vaccination status, get updates on the coronavirus cases in the country, and learn about the vaccines offered. The app provides a comprehensive list of resources that people can use, and it is the primary way for people to get data about the virus in Malaysia. 

Besides that, the app has something known as contact tracing, meaning that anytime people go anywhere, they have to scan a barcode or write down their name in a book, acknowledging their name and the time they were at the place. For example, let’s say someone went for dinner at a restaurant. Before entering the restaurant, they are supposed to check in through the app by scanning a barcode. Through contact tracing, the country is able to identify people who have recently been in close contact with others who have tested positive for the coronavirus. The app will then send a notification to those who were in close contact with someone who tested positive at a particular location or time so that the people can quarantine immediately.

Coronavirus cases in Malaysia: The trend of coronavirus cases in Malaysia has been fluctuating. There have been over 3 million cases of people who contracted the virus and around 32 thousand deaths in a population of 32 million. 

Vaccinations in Malaysia: According to Malaysia’s Ministry of Health, over 65 million vaccination doses have been administered. More than 26 million people have gotten the first dose, and over 25 million people have received the second dose, with more than 13 million people having the booster shot.

 Since the population of Malaysia is around 32 million, more than 81% of the people have gotten at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

Standard Protocols in Malaysia: Most of the current protocols in the country seem to be universal: maintaining a physical distance of at least one meter when around other people and wearing a mask at all times. 

When the cases were at an all-time high, the government introduced lockdowns and banned any travel, meaning that people were required to stay at home, and only one member of the household was allowed to go out to purchase essential items. 

Now, as of the end of February, since most of the population is vaccinated, there is much more leniency, like the ability to travel across states freely, with everyone trying to live their lives with a sense of normalcy while staying safe.