January 21, 2025
Torch 8

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools across the nation to take drastic action. Lane Community College will be following suit starting on finals week March 16-20.

For finals week, tests will be given online and classes for the spring term will be held remotely through the first three weeks of the spring term according to the president’s office.

Spring term will now start on April  6 and there will be no mandatory finals at the end of the term. This one week delay and the cancellations of finals will effectively shorten the term to 10 weeks.

Services and technology access are to remain open until further notice. The library can loan a laptop or tablet to students who may need one, but their supply is limited.

Another precautionary step LCC is taking starting March 15 will be suspending all “nonessential college travel” as well as canceling all “nonessential events on college property.” 

Administration released in a statement on March 17 that they are working to minimize the financial impact of the changes being done to the school.