HOROSCOPES for April 14 – April 20

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Your personal resources and assets receive a boost of abundance. Your confidence and sense of self bring success to your career or investments. You may have come to terms with a difficult self-discovery. You need to let something go before new possibilities open up. There may be a conversation you need to have about what you need from your friends in order to meet everyone’s needs. Know yourself before asserting any thoughts about your capacity for compassion and friendship. Communicating your intentions and emotions with clarity involves getting to know parts of yourself that are hard to look at. State your purpose with conviction and your friends will receive the message clearly.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

You radiate beauty and liveliness everywhere you go. Your dreams take direction as you continue to watch your work in the world expand. This new direction could conflict with what you previously believed was true or what is expected of you. Have confidence in your earning ability and watch as your work follows your inner dialogue. Express your dreams as if they are already true. Be aware of old beliefs or thought patterns that may cloud your vision. Trust the process you are in as you start this new cycle. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Hold your emotional blocks or bubbling unconscious thoughts with acceptance and compassion. You influence the world as much as it influences you. Pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions influence those around you. A situation is asking you to change in a way you may not be comfortable with. Stay true to your virtues but remain open to change. You have some wisdom to share from a difficult lesson you’ve learned about self-sabotage. Reserve your advice for when it is most needed. People may come to you for support while they are in the process of learning the lesson you overcame. There is a balance when transforming a system you are involved in. Allow your true inner self to guide your words as they carry wisdom to the world. 

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

You feel at ease in your career or life path. Believing you are always in the right place at the right time often manifests that exact reality. As your decisions start to take form, the path you’ve chosen for yourself conflicts with relational contracts from your past. Name your insecurities to break free from limitations and let go of what no longer serves you. Communicate clearly your vision for your life. Expressing your vision may be a struggle when others disagree. Do not sacrifice your intention for the sake of making others comfortable. Connect with your ambition to powerfully emphasize your life direction. 

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

A seed you’ve planted through knowledge and learning is budding with direction and gumption. Continue to work and learn with others. Notice where your attitude toward work and obligations conflict with your desire for independence and limit you from learning beyond your perspective. This may feel like paying your dues. Share your hopes and dreams with others who may be able to assist you in understanding a different perspective. You are a constantly evolving being working towards an end goal. What you want to achieve is in the present. Don’t work so hard for an ideal when all you need is what you already have. 

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

You have grand ideas of how to incorporate love and romance into the expansion of your life. Combine your resources with others who share your easygoing attitude toward change. Change and adaptability are favorable traits at this time but they are not always easy when you need to let go or end romances. Assert your intention and direction through work or obligations. Adaptability to your personal long-term commitments harmonizes your relationships. Your relationships or partners may struggle to understand why you’ve chosen to end or change a love affair. Communicate from your core self and make it clear that you need to put yourself first. 

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Support and combined resources from friends and relationships ease your way into a much-needed change. Prioritize a healthy relationship with joy and pleasure over obligations and responsibilities. You are able to break from conflicting philosophies or fundamental beliefs in order to satisfy your happiness. This is a supportive time for a healthy debate in your home or family unit. Sometimes respecting different beliefs grant you the independence to fulfill your own joy. There is room for disagreement in loving relationships. 

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

You have a deep love and appreciation for others. The support you receive from those you consider family assists you in taking care of yourself. Obligations may feel like they are dragging you away from what you actually want to spend time doing. You may need to alter everyday influences so your daily routine serves you. Trust your intuitive senses to filter between what belongs in your life and what doesn’t to restore harmony to your home and family. Assertiveness in work relationships best results in figuring out what you need from others to support your optimal physical, mental and emotional health. You cannot change the people around you, you cannot change the circumstances of your environment. What you can change is your relationship to it all. Have the confidence to know what is best for you. 

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

This is a week for self-care. Connect with your creativity in ways that allow you to share yourself with those around you. There may be a looming sense of not having enough resources to create or simply that your creativity isn’t worth the time and attention. Remember you are limited by your own beliefs. Channel any and all feelings into your creative expressions and feel free to share them with others. The world wants to see the true you. Care for your physical body as well as your emotional and mental body. Whatever comes up in your creative work is the right thing to come up at that time. 

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

There is great appreciation for your friends and the people around you. It is because of your community you are supported to follow your ambitions and fulfill your life path. Who you know yourself to be is rapidly changing as you adapt to your environment. Have patience as you learn the ropes. Acknowledge all feelings that come up in your work and obligations as you unravel limiting unconscious thoughts. The more you understand all sides of yourself, the more authentic you appear to those around you. Despite past expectations or agreements, boldly go in the direction you are passionate about. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You are beginning to see the body of your ideal life take form. Your environment and those you surround yourself with expand your understanding of who you are. Notice emotional blockages that believe you are somehow undeserving of achieving your dreams.  A good way to uncover hidden demons is through creative expression. Express exactly what you want out of life and connect them with reasons they are unattainable. Reclaim your identity from anyone or anything that made you think you are not as powerful as you really are. Healing your shadow self sets you up for the life of your dreams. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You love and appreciate the people around you who influence you the most. What you have accumulated around you is a reflection of your inner awareness. You are conflicted between a bond to community and humanity and the limitless expansion of your imagination. You are only as strong as your weakest link. Conflict or disagreements with those you consider family is an opportunity for learning trained behavioral patterns. Decide what you have accumulated over time that is ready to be released or returned to its origin. Everything comes into your life for a reason but not everything is meant to stay.

Your personal resources and assets receive a boost of abundance. Your confidence and sense of self bring success to your career or investments. You may have come to terms with a difficult self-discovery. You need to let something go before new possibilities open up. There may be a conversation you need to have about what you need from your friends in order to meet everyone’s needs. Know yourself before asserting any thoughts about your capacity for compassion and friendship. Communicating your intentions and emotions with clarity involves getting to know parts of yourself that are hard to look at. State your purpose with conviction and your friends will receive the message clearly.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

You radiate beauty and liveliness everywhere you go. Your dreams take direction as you continue to watch your work in the world expand. This new direction could conflict with what you previously believed was true or what is expected of you. Have confidence in your earning ability and watch as your work follows your inner dialogue. Express your dreams as if they are already true. Be aware of old beliefs or thought patterns that may cloud your vision. Trust the process you are in as you start this new cycle. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Hold your emotional blocks or bubbling unconscious thoughts with acceptance and compassion. You influence the world as much as it influences you. Pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions influence those around you. A situation is asking you to change in a way you may not be comfortable with. Stay true to your virtues but remain open to change. You have some wisdom to share from a difficult lesson you’ve learned about self-sabotage. Reserve your advice for when it is most needed. People may come to you for support while they are in the process of learning the lesson you overcame. There is a balance when transforming a system you are involved in. Allow your true inner self to guide your words as they carry wisdom to the world. 

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

You feel at ease in your career or life path. Believing you are always in the right place at the right time often manifests that exact reality. As your decisions start to take form, the path you’ve chosen for yourself conflicts with relational contracts from your past. Name your insecurities to break free from limitations and let go of what no longer serves you. Communicate clearly your vision for your life. Expressing your vision may be a struggle when others disagree. Do not sacrifice your intention for the sake of making others comfortable. Connect with your ambition to powerfully emphasize your life direction. 

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

A seed you’ve planted through knowledge and learning is budding with direction and gumption. Continue to work and learn with others. Notice where your attitude toward work and obligations conflict with your desire for independence and limit you from learning beyond your perspective. This may feel like paying your dues. Share your hopes and dreams with others who may be able to assist you in understanding a different perspective. You are a constantly evolving being working towards an end goal when what you want to achieve is in the present. Don’t work so hard for an ideal when all you need is what you already have. 

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

You have grand ideas of how to incorporate love and romance into the expansion of your life. Combine your resources with others who share your easygoing attitude toward change. Change and adaptability are favorable traits at this time but they are not always easy when you need to let go or end romances. Assert your intention and direction through work or obligations. Adaptability to your personal long-term commitments harmonizes your relationships. Your relationships or partners may struggle to understand why you’ve chosen to end or change a love affair. Communicate from your core self and make it clear that you need to put yourself first. 

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Support and combined resources from friends and relationships ease your way into a much-needed change. Prioritize a healthy relationship with joy and pleasure over obligations and responsibilities. You are able to break from conflicting philosophies or fundamental beliefs in order to satisfy your happiness. This is a supportive time for a healthy debate in your home or family unit. Sometimes respecting different beliefs grant you the independence to fulfill your own joy. There is room for disagreement in loving relationships. 

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

You have a deep love and appreciation for others. The support you receive from those you consider family assists you in taking care of yourself. Obligations may feel like they are dragging you away from what you actually want to spend time doing. You may need to alter everyday influences so your daily routine serves you. Trust your intuitive senses to filter between what belongs in your life and what doesn’t to restore harmony to your home and family. Assertiveness in work relationships best results in figuring out what you need from others to support your optimal physical, mental and emotional health. You cannot change the people around you, you cannot change the circumstances of your environment. What you can change is your relationship to it all. Have the confidence to know what is best for you. 

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

This is a week for self-care. Connect with your creativity in ways that allow you to share yourself with those around you. There may be a looming sense of not having enough resources to create or simply that your creativity isn’t worth the time and attention. Remember you are limited by your own beliefs. Channel any and all feelings into your creative expressions and feel free to share them with others. The world wants to see the true you. Care for your physical body as well as your emotional and mental body. Whatever comes up in your creative work is the right thing to come up at that time. 

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

There is great appreciation for your friends and the people around you. It is because of your community you are supported to follow your ambitions and fulfill your life path. Who you know yourself to be is rapidly changing as you adapt to your environment. Have patience as you learn the ropes. Acknowledge all feelings that come up in your work and obligations as you unravel limiting unconscious thoughts. The more you understand all sides of yourself, the more authentic you appear to those around you. Despite past expectations or agreements, boldly go in the direction you are passionate about. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You are beginning to see the body of your ideal life take form. Your environment and those you surround yourself with expand your understanding of who you are. Notice emotional blockages that believe you are somehow undeserving of achieving your dreams.  A good way to uncover hidden demons is through creative expression. Express exactly what you want out of life and connect them with reasons they are unattainable. Reclaim your identity from anyone or anything that made you think you are not as powerful as you really are. Healing your shadow self sets you up for the life of your dreams. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You love and appreciate the people around you who influence you the most. What you have accumulated around you is a reflection of your inner awareness. You are conflicted between a bond to community and humanity and the limitless expansion of your imagination. You are only as strong as your weakest link. Conflict or disagreements with those you consider family is an opportunity for learning trained behavioral patterns. Decide what you have accumulated over time that is ready to be released or returned to its origin. Everything comes into your life for a reason but not everything is meant to stay.