HOROSCOPES for April 21 – April 28

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

You have the means and the resources to acquire your heart’s desire. You may feel so enamored by this blooming prosperity that you forget to acknowledge the commitments you made to those who helped you get here. Express gratitude for your friends if you want to keep them around and continue building your success. Clear and direct communication strengthens balance in the meeting of minds. A taboo topic may trigger sensitivities. This feeling is the beginning of a transformative life direction. 

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

You are elated as you come into your own revolutionary identity. The outer world’s expectations conflict with the peace you feel as your true self. It is difficult to understand and express who you are when others have their expectations of who you should be. Communicate who you know yourself to be to restore balance in your inner world. Significant relationships may reflect personal insecurities back at you. Notice how what you expect from yourself changes what you expect from others. Your perspective on many things is likely to change. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

You are happily floating off in your dreamland where anything you imagine is possible. While everything is harmonious in your seclusion, the outer world is trying to influence your beliefs to conform with the collective. Pull yourself out of your little world for long enough to demonstrate why your dreams are valid and deserve attention. Obligations to work or do something drain your energy and emotions if you do not believe in the work you are doing. The process you are in is transforming life as you know it.

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

Romances within new relationships are revolutionizing your plans. The rose-tinted glasses come off when matters of responsibility ask how you’re going to use your combined resources to achieve the desired outcome. Take the role of a leader but don’t move faster than the group. Take the time to have direct conversations about what you need from each other. Channel heightened emotions and sensitivities into creative practices and entertainment. Your role in close relationships is transforming.

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

Your long-term commitments are exciting and unlike anything you’ve experienced before. As excited as you may feel to start this new adventure, you have contracts or responsibilities to colleagues that still need your attention. Your intentions for future commitments should be no mystery to the people you’re involved with now. Communication strengthens and balances any long-term commitments. A situation involving your family or home unit may bring up emotions around instability. The current situations are asking you to shift your attitude toward your work in the world.

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

The new teachings in your life have you spellbound. These revolutionary thought structures open your mind to changing your responsibilities and work obligations.  Attempts to communicate your new teachings may conflict with commitments you’ve made to your old beliefs. Communicate with an open mind and balance dreamy philosophy with grounded logic. A critical eye on your everyday environment may trigger some emotional responses. You are learning a new way to express what resonates with you. 

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

An alteration in your life and accepting the unknown takes a massive weight off your shoulders. Change never felt so good. You are pleased to relish in mystery until responsibilities steal you away from creativity and romance. Find a balance between structure and free time and know there is room for creative play in both. You may feel especially sensitive toward reality. Your family or home unit is changing and your stability is shifting.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

There is balance and harmony with significant others you are involved with unlike anyone else before. This romance conflicts with responsibilities to the home and family. If your new relationship is bound to last, they will easily find a place in your home life where you can tend to your responsibilities and romances at once. Communication is key to strength and balance in relationships. You may feel particularly self-aware and in tune with your emotions. Creativity and pleasure in your life are undergoing a transformative process.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

Working for something you believe in is a joyful and restoring feeling. You may feel distracted from your work as the people in your everyday environment ask for your attention. It is okay to say no but don’t be too quick to turn down an opportunity to have fun. Communicate your boundaries and the purpose of how you use your time and energy. Notice significant emotions that bubble up from your dreams or unconscious thoughts. How you utilize resources is a transformative process. 

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

You can bask in all types of pleasure and take time only to do what you want to do. A voice inside your head telling you not to enjoy these pleasures is a sign of subconscious restrictions or emotional blockages. Guilt over enjoying yourself voids the point of enjoying yourself in the first place. Give yourself permission to relax and take in the moment. You will still have plenty of time to check everything off your to-do list. Your hopes and dreams are ripe for the future if you tune into what they’re saying. Who you know yourself to be is changing before your eyes.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You find comfort and harmony in the place you call home and with those you call family. Your perception of yourself conflicts with understanding your whole self from all perspectives. You have to be willing to meet all sides of yourself to live a whole life. Furthermore, you have to be willing to share all sides of yourself with the world, which, at times, is critical and unforgiving. Put yourself out there without fear of judgment and know you always have the comforts of home in return. You may feel especially sensitive to how the world perceives you. Your hidden limitations and unconscious thoughts are on their way to the surface. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You can communicate with ease and harmony in a way that you haven’t before. The comfort in which your words and expressions flow reminds you how much you limit yourself and your responsibilities. Listen to those around you to strengthen balance in your relationships. You are especially sensitive to the restrictions of structural belief systems. Transform the system and gather your friends to change the world in a way you want to see it.