February 22, 2025

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

It is time to leave something behind. This may feel like a breakup with people, routines or mindsets. Blocking your emotions only blocks your progress. Sometimes we convince ourselves we are living in a rose-tinted world as if believing in a better reality somehow makes it true. Reality has an unforgiving way of checking us when it goes ignored. Confront the red flags you’ve been passing by. Work through your fears. 

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

The only way to leave a difficult situation is to let it go. This is not as easy as it sounds when you’ve felt gripped by something that you never had closure with. The only person you need permission from to move on is yourself. Making peace and moving on from the past is different from ignoring or hiding from it. You’ve done all the work that needs to be done and it is time to focus your attention on forward-thinking plans. Fresh, innovative action leads you to greater success in your work. Conclusions are within reach. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Something has given you a false sense of entrapment. Likely, it is your own state of mind. You are caught at a crossroads. Your strongest most reliable senses are your intuitive ones. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and check in with the rhythm of your heart. What have you been hanging on to that you need to release?

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

New friends and colleagues you are attracting are here to help you. Accept their assistance and support. The time and energy you spend making sure everyone around you is comfortable comes back as gratitude and support for you. Let it in! Don’t let humility prevent you from reaping rewards. Remain open to new experiences and adaptable to new mindsets. A new sense of clarity is in store. Luck is on your side.

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

There is something you have been fighting off for a long time that is reaching its boiling point. There is no longer room for settling or compromising your beliefs. Setting boundaries will serve you well in developing sustainable relationships. It’s easy for others to take your demands personally. Try to approach problems with stern compassion. Have patience when emotions feel out of balance or frustration clouds your vision. A heated climax lies ahead.

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

You have been carrying more than you have to. Taking too much responsibility is burdensome and wears on your spirit. Pay less attention to what’s going on outside and more attention to what’s going on inside. Nurturing your inner child means making time for play, forgiving yourself for mistakes, encouraging curiosity and making time for yourself. Self-care is the name of the game. Prioritize comforts and mindless creativity. Prosperity lies ahead.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

There is an air of independence and directness about you. There is no approval needed here! As life continues to challenge you, stay in touch with your logical and emotional mind. Both hold equal merit to paving your own path to your definition of success. The world is in your palms now. Embrace the power of nonaction. Trust that everything you need comes to you as it is meant to. When you are at your fullest, it’s a win-win for everyone.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

You’re caught in a disagreement or trapped in conflict that extends deeply into your ancestry or lineage. Ease into where you struggle the most by simply sitting with your emotions and thoughts. Much of the resistance you feel stems from those who came before you who cultivated the environment you struggle with now. Intergenerational healing is something we are all asked to face. It’s some of the slowest, most confusing work you will do. Know that your hard work is paying off even if it’s not obvious.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th) 

There is responsibility when accepting any new offer. Invest your time wisely. Whatever you direct your attention toward is supported to flourish. Whatever it is, the results will be unmistakable. Others around you are here to offer you help. Accept their assistance so long as they share the same vision as you. Achieving your goals requires persistence. You are nearing the end of a tough cycle.

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

Peel back the layers and discover the nuances of outdated structures and traditions. Whether you are comfortable with it or not, things have to change. This may come up as abandoning projects or shifting direction. Lean into what you perceive as doom and gloom and try to understand the bigger picture at hand. Your faith is being tested. Step out of your comfort zone. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

With every test and trial to your character, you are growing into more of yourself. Have no tolerance for people or situations that restrict your authentic spirit or tamper with your innovative mind. New possibilities are on the horizon. Adventures and teamwork may open you up to new opportunities. Not everyone is comfortable or understands your logic or way of being but it is not for them to understand. You are on the precipice of breaking the mold you’ve felt confined in for so long. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Changes that are occurring now, whether they are in your control or not, are bringing you the best future. You are free to allow happiness, wealth and abundance to flow through your life effortlessly. There is nothing you have to do, nowhere you have to go, no one you have to convince to live a quality life. Often, it’s the idea that there is something we must do or achieve to have enough that distracts us from knowing everything we have now is enough. You are enough. You are a bright, shining star.