January 21, 2025

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

There is a revolutionary presence among the social group dynamics you are involved in. Your goal is to surround yourself with people who promote equal happiness for all. This may require some introspection. You are so excited to see how everything turns out that you might feel eager to respond before you know all the information. The more time you spend listening, the more knowledge you acquire about why you’ve adopted ideas of who you are and how you should behave. There is a push to change the way you relate to others, which requires healing your relationship with yourself. Appreciate everyone and everything that has brought you into being who you are now. You are all parts of yourself, and each part deserves love. 

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

There is a sense of ease and reassurance in the projects you are pursuing. You want to invest your time into something that is personally fulfilling and contributes to a greater future. If you were taught to always have a plan and know what you’re doing, now is a time to let the unexpected happen. The best way to do this is to bring your true self to all the work you do. It might feel challenging to put yourself out there all the time, especially if the personal work you do is publicly judged. Your natural response may be to recluse. While rest is necessary to not waste energy, don’t give up the work you’re inspired to do. Work doesn’t always have to be forced and unpleasurable. When your work is fulfilling, you’ll question why you didn’t spend all your time doing what you love in the first place. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

There is exciting news in your life that is turning on all your switches. This can be exhilarating and conflicting at the same time because your new knowledge begs you to redefine your morals. Relationships that start when you are out of your own center grow in misalignment until you forgive the past. This takes work, so don’t get down on yourself if you don’t see a clear outcome right away. Before passing judgments on the world and those around you, look inward to see if you are living in accordance with the values you want to uphold. Examine internal spaces where you feel resistance. It’s liberating to understand yourself and where you come from to better understand what makes you you. 

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

There’s a sense of optimism around the future for you, but it is just out of reach. There are energetic knots, contracts, or karmic debts that demand your attention before you can pursue your desires. You have a tendency to side-step important conversations out of fear of the response you’ll get. It’s important to make your intentions clear and direct. You may not see eye to eye with everyone all the time, but you can reach a common ground and work toward a common goal. When attention is attracted toward sensitive topics you’d normally not talk about, encourage yourself to speak honestly about what bothers you. This is how you create the ideal future of your dreams. 

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

You are grateful for the people who make you smile every day, but there is a balance to giving and receiving. Equity in relationships means everyone is entitled to express their own needs. When you commit to someone, you are committing to both supporting them and allowing them to support you. A constant harmonious exchange of love is what you’ve been searching for.  Reteaching yourself what it means to love and be loved gives you closer insight into your emotional blockages. You are constructing long-term bridges toward who you want to be and it starts with the connections you make. 

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

You feel a sense of security and warmth in your intimate relationships. With that, you know that entering relational contracts also means giving up a piece of your individual freedom. You desire to explore the unknown, venture off the beaten path, but your commitments to the present are tying you down. You hold yourself to a high standard and are often your worst critic. Soften your heart by reminding yourself it’s okay not to know everything all the time. You are constantly changing in a perpetual state of learning. Listen to all perspectives, even if you think you already know what someone is going to say. It’s important to remain open-minded to people or situations you feel the most animosity towards. 

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

It’s time to make room for yourself in the group. Think about times conflict came up within family, friends or social circles. How do you change your behavior for the sake of peace? Ignoring your own needs is not healthy conflict resolution. Engage in relationships as your conscious, authentic self. You are not as small as you make yourself out to be. Giving yourself permission to take up space changes your internal dialogue with yourself. It may feel abnormal to connect with others in a way that validates yourself. Let go of preconceived notions of who you are. You’ll notice as you hold yourself in higher esteem, so will the people around you. 

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

Outwardly, you appear cool, calm and collected, but there’s more beneath the surface than what you let on. There may be an imbalance of giving and receiving with others, especially with those you consider family. You might feel drawn inwards, reluctant to address the sensitivities that are negatively affecting you and your relationships. Opening up restores harmony, stability and love. You often serve others before yourself, but you cannot pour from an empty cup. Let others know how you’re feeling so they can hold compassion for you. Even if you don’t approve of yourself, you are worthy of love and support. Some things you cannot do alone. 

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

You love the freedom to bounce from different social activities, never fully committing to an interest for the long term. How do you give yourself the freedom to explore your interests while remaining on task and organized? It’s all fun and games, but if you don’t commit to something that serves your daily health and wellness, the fun will run short. After work is done, let loose and play. What you’re interested in could point towards expressing childlike joy as a form of working through deep healing to integrate creativity, joy and play into your everyday life. It’s more difficult to find true wellness when you don’t prioritize joy. 

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

You have an extraordinary work ethic, no question. A true test to this part of your character is loving the work you do even when you may not like it. Notice trends in overcompensating your self-worth with material wealth. Sometimes, we surround ourselves with more tangible things to bring us joy because we can control them to our liking. Nothing lasts forever and you can’t control everything. Relax and allow yourself to feel fulfilled where you are. You have enough! You are enough! When you are truly grateful and appreciate life as it is, you are able to reap an abundance of happiness. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You typically take a back seat in relationships, but it’s time to put yourself forward. Express your own needs and practice showing up unapologetically as who you are. It takes courage to live as yourself, especially in a world centered around rules and conformity. Those who love and support you in this personal work are committed to you. These are people who make you feel most at home and in return, you can support them in embracing their authentic selves. You know what it’s like to have your originality squandered by society. Anyone who puts up resistance to your radical new identity is not here with your best interest in mind. Love yourself, stick up for yourself, and forgive yourself for all the times you didn’t honor yourself in the past. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Find comfort in knowing that all the wisdom you need is already inside of you. Everything you need to know comes at you in the perfect moment. Remember this when you are trying to make plans or arrangements. Not everything will go as expected, but it will happen for a reason. The universe is working towards your greater favor. You have little control over this, so enjoy the ride. You value stable connections and it is these connections that will guide you through the upcoming turbulence. Though it may feel unnatural to commit to people in a world that is so unpredictable, you can commit to unpredictability. Trust that everything will happen in your favor.