February 22, 2025


March 21st – April 20th

Your relationship with yourself is shifting, so set your mind to the highest goal for yourself. This may challenge your trust in relationships. Tune into your heart to know what’s right for you. You may be at risk of exposing weaknesses you’ve been trying to hide. Perhaps there is an overdue reconciliation or forgiveness of the past. As you increase your social awareness, you lay a stable foundation from which your inner work will start. You are supported to take what works for you and leave the rest. You’ll attract a better community of people around you that share your vision and passions when you prioritize self-expression and joy. 


21st April – May 20th

You’ve reached a spiritual revelation leading you to make commitments to your future self. Question the root of your subliminal beliefs. Often, we’re taught to pursue a societal ideal or expectation that we don’t believe in. Whatever it is you’re committing to, make sure it resonates with your soul. If something doesn’t go your way, bounce right back and try it again. You’ll be surprised at what outcomes work. You are completing a learning cycle in healing your ancestral trauma. Have compassion for yourself.


May 21st – June 20th

You are learning a lot about your societal conditioning. This may feel like becoming aware you are a cog in the system. You may start noticing. Now that you realize who taught you to behave this way, when you learned it and why, how are you going to act differently? The world is made up of individual people, so a small change in you means a big change in society. This is the end of a long cycle of self-awareness. You have ideas about how individual actions can reshape society. Friends, siblings or partners are excellent people to bounce ideas off of. Your actions influence others and repattern social conditioning. 


June 21st – July 20th

You are working on a personal transformation that involves digging up some stuff from your past. What was sensitive to talk about or tucked away in your mind is calling your attention. Bring awareness to your place in the group and the group’s influence on you. Your work is demanding your dedication this week, so schedule fun and joy into your routine. There is more comfort and more financial freedom when you relax and enjoy what you do. Let go of defenses in relationships. What have you been closing off or shutting down in response to? Be direct in your thoughts and actions so there is no confusion in your intentions. Notice where priorities need to be reevaluated, and start thinking of how things could be different rather than stuck how they are.


July 21st – August 21st

You may have entered relational contracts that felt secure at the time, but something unexpected has come up. You may need to contemplate beyond surface-level answers to understand what and why that is. Your long-term goals are changing, which involves redefining the terms and conditions of the present. Whatever you choose to do, do it with confidence, honesty and vulnerability. Your service in the world changes the way others treat you. Imagine yourself exactly as you wish to be and organize your actions according to your ideal self. Try to practice these new relational techniques in a way that best serves you and others wholly.  


August 22nd – September 22nd

You are acutely aware of how you are part of a system in your everyday life. These patterns and social conditionings root deeply into your past when you were taught that organizing your life in a certain way, following the rules and being of service to others was in your best interest. While these rules and services do serve a noble purpose, it is now in your best interest to act from your heart instead of your head. As you begin to break these cycles, experiment with multiple perspectives. Learn philosophies that feel true to you to access a heightened sense of intuition and spiritual understanding. Following your heart in this way restores your overall health. You are reimagining your purpose in this world, so remain open to possibilities. 


September 23rd – October 22nd

Somewhere along the way, you were told the happiness and comfortability of others was more important than your own. If relationships are so important to you, then you understand the importance of self-expression, and self-love is as important as selflessness and loving others. Share your desires through creativity and playful relationships. The fun loving energy in the air changes the way you see yourself in the macrocosm and microcosm. You are tuned into the balance between the self and the other. Harmony in your house and home requires identifying what creates animosity between you and others. There is no need to build walls around your heart. The more you open up, you’ll find an abundance of love, support and gratitude.


October 23rd – November 22nd

Forgiveness and healing are due in your home and family space. It’s best to greet the unresolved issues with an open heart. You can’t bury the past and bottle your feelings forever. You may feel as if the odds are against you, and the work you do to heal your roots is deep and stubborn. Shifting your relationship with your family changes your relationships with everyone, including yourself. Opening yourself up creates space for your big plans to begin growing. Whatever you occupy your thoughts with will create your reality, so get all negative thoughts out of your head. Write about it, tell a friend, sing a song, translate it into something tangible other than thoughts. Once you get these anxious thoughts out of your head, let them go.


November 23rd – December 20th

You may have been taught that there was a specific recipe for joy to which the key ingredient was experimentation. Now is the moment to practice experimentation. Reconciling the past may be difficult, but it is necessary to move forward. Every great adventure requires a moment of rest to reevaluate what has been weighing you down. How do you want to lighten your load while still carrying on with your expedition? Often the greatest source of our joy comes from expressing love and gratitude toward others. There is something to learn from playfulness. Shake old energy out, clear your physical space of unnecessary clutter. Once you’ve shaken things up, you’ll have a much clearer, optimistic perspective of what was bothering you before. Hang on to this optimism, and know there is much more to be learned so long as you remain open to new possibilities. 


December 21st – January 19th

You are reworking your finances by orienting your work toward greater sustainability. What and who are you working for? If the answer isn’t yourself, give yourself permission to indulge in comforts and self-love. Whatever you’re building will come crumbling down if you do not hold yourself in high esteem. Scarcity, exhaustion and a negative self-image are unproductive ways to expend your energy. Relaxing makes you no less of a hard worker. When you allow yourself to let loose, you discover new methods to living in wholeness and authenticity. You can then return to expanding in your work or vocation in ways completely unimaginable before. Change your heart, change your thoughts, shift your path. 


January 20th – February 18th

After great trials and tribulations, you’ve finally come full circle into who you want to be. Don’t get hung up on the past. This is a time to celebrate! Praise yourself by sharing your unique gifts and talents with the community. You deserve to be heard and you have a unique perspective to offer. Expressing your true self as a product of hardships validates your experiences, while also giving you permission to move on. Your community offers a sense of stability, groundedness and home. Some energetic cleansing and purging may be in order to feel free from mental grogginess. Feel your spirit inflate with love and light. Just like the universe, you are constantly expanding. 


February 19th – March 20th

You are revolutionizing your spiritual understanding through uncovering deeper parts of yourself. It may feel more comfortable to protect and defend yourself. Nurture your inner child by acknowledging the source of your fear, wounds and insecurities. We are not defined by what happens to us rather by how we respond to the present. If you find yourself stuck in emotional patterns, communicate what is going on in your mind by talking, journaling, singing, painting or any tangible form of creative expression. Once your thoughts and feelings are out of your head, you can observe and organize them. Things need to clear out of your mental space to open you up to peace, love and harmony with humanity.