February 22, 2025
Image from iOS

This week, Jupiter enters Pisces, providing a sneak peek at its placement next year. Jupiter in Pisces expands our dreams and surfaces our subconscious awareness. Start a conversation about how to put these dreams in place with your life. Vitalizing energy is pulling us toward fulfilling our deepest desires. Growth is natural and inevitable. Trying to hold on to what we’ve outgrown disconnects us from breaking through to a better future. The more you allow yourself to love and let new ideas in, the deeper wisdom and nourishment you’ll unlock. Change is only uncomfortable when we resist it. It’s time to move out with the old and in with the new!

These horoscopes are written as inspirational affirmations for this week. 

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

I am open to innovative thoughts and ideas from unexpected sources. Knowing that everything I have is all I need gives me space to tune into my inner world. Doing so mobilizes my dreams. I recognize where healthy adjustments must be made in order to promote my desires. My sense of security is aligned with knowing nothing is permanent and that is a good thing. I welcome support from others in my healing. I welcome love and joy in manifesting a new dream. 

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

I am open to my inner awareness about who I am in this world. I follow my instinct toward an ideal future. The universe is abundant and I am ready to receive its offerings. I am open to all thoughts and opinions but remain true to who I am. I am never done learning. I am thankful for all that I have and how far I have come. I allow my dreams to take form as I finish this cycle. 

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

I express myself with confidence in my structured learning. I am ready to let go of how I was and show the world parts of myself I was hiding. What I have to offer is unique and powerful. I have no need to protect or preserve what I have because it is changing in form. I allow this cycle of my life to close as I undergo this transformation. I love myself and the world that made me who I am. I enjoy the life I have and all the teachings it offers.

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

Messages I receive are signaling I am ready for a transformation. I trust my intuitive knowledge:I am surrounded by the right people, in the right place at the right time. I allow this trust to ease me into the future of my dreams. I release the need to defend my past self because that person no longer exists. I am supported by friends that want to see me grow and nurture relationships with me. I honor the places I’ve been as they brought me to where I am today. I appreciate what has passed and rest as natural changes bring me where I need to be.  

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

I am in harmony in all my relationships. I know that when I am unwell, those around me are unwell. Who the world knows me as changes according to my inner self. I allow my inner self space to expand and flourish. I accept endings and connect with opposing structures. I use my power to influence prosperous change on this planet for the good of all humanity. Through generosity, I receive limitless wisdom. When I give love, I receive love.

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

I remain open to others. How people respond to me indicates how I treat myself. The guidance I am drawn toward comes from an inner knowing of my role in relationships. I am able to care for the collective by caring for myself. I follow my inner guidance toward bliss and pleasure. I am in tune with my environment as it tells me where to make internal adjustments. I nourish parts of myself I’ve been neglecting.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

I am open to the teachings play and pleasure have to offer. Responsibility and play can exist at the same time. I release unhealthy habits that restrict my personal growth. The effort I put into self-care serves me now and later. I am supported by those who love me to grow and change as I need to. I am curious about how I exchange energy in relationships. I grant myself the opportunity to create and invite pleasure into my life.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

I express with ease necessary changes that need to happen in my life. I foster good feelings in my relationships when I release into the unknown and follow my bliss. I allow the expansion of pleasure and creativity to fill my life. The best way to assert my beliefs is by practicing them and leading by example. I go beyond the surface in my relationships. I use my sensitivity to others’ emotions to heal and connect with them. I am stable and supported.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

How I listen to others determines the quality of my relationships. Putting my basic needs first allows me to rest at times when I need it. When my mind is at ease, I allow my dreams to expand. Action I choose to partake in reframes my state of mind to connect me with those who matter most. I address my insecurities with compassion and conviction. I am supported to create and build upon the gifts I already have. I give myself permission to enjoy life as it is.

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

My voice is strong and clear when expressing my needs and how to access them. Joy and pleasure are everywhere I choose to seek it. The people and places in my everyday life have more to offer me than I know. I practice patience with others who do not understand my needs and plans. When radical changes inside are overwhelming, I reconnect outside. I trust what I have is all that I need. If I need anything else, I have the power to ask for it. I am secure and grounded.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

I express the pure joy and passion that pours from my heart. When I am grounded in my body, my dreams have a structure on which to grow. I have everything I will ever need to manifest my ideal future. I can work in unconventional ways to connect with my authentic self. I give myself permission to rest and go within so that I may hear the answers already inside me. I accept my divine right to creativity. I surrender to the natural process that brings me home to myself. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

I take the time to rest in my sanctuary as all the pieces fall into place. I follow the core of my being as it moves toward a positive environment. I connect with my breath and allow my presence to expand on all planes of existence. I take what I want with direction and purpose instead of selfishness and guilt. I am connected with those in my immediate environment as well as those I share this planet with. I am stable and supported. When I understand all that I have is all that I need, I open myself to limitless possibilities.