February 22, 2025
May 19-26 Horoscope image

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

It’s satisfying when everything seems to fall into place. At the start of this week, it feels like everything is going according to plan. The results of your work are before you. Give yourself a day or two to celebrate. You have the opportunity to explore new possibilities. Let your friends and those around you inspire you with fresh ideas. So many things going on at once may make your head cloudy with thoughts. Slow down until things start to make sense again.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Life is sweet when you align with your purpose. Once you are sure of your goals, everything else follows suit. A refreshing state of mind may reveal your inner motives and desires. Bring these ideas to the forefront of your consciousness. Seek to expand your inner self as it determines how you project yourself to the world. You may not have all the answers or a complete understanding of how all these pieces fit together. Slow down and take in the bigger picture.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Innovative ideas, philosophies and theories enchant you. Take this opportunity to expand the wisdom that is already inside you. The more you investigate, the more complexities you will uncover. Understand situations fully and ask thoughtful questions before jumping to conclusions. This is a time to have fun and flirt with possibilities. Be mindful of the seeds you plant. Expansive thoughts and relative truths may confuse you with respect to your goals. Use this time for learning and accept the unknown.

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

Sometimes, you need to do less to gain more. Releasing what no longer serves you is fulfilling and freeing. Relax your focused gaze and take in the whole scene. A worldly perspective is available for you. Loosen your grip on what you think is true or accurate. Your perception is likely to shift many times before you have a solid grasp of the situation. It’s better to admit you do not know than carry on with uncertainty. 

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

The work you have put in shows and your efforts are appreciated by others. Life events direct you toward your calling. What adjustments do you need to make to achieve your goal? A wholesome perspective fills your heart with love and gratitude. Your friends are beckoning you to celebrate. Of course, hard work is never finished, but you deserve praise for making it this far. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and recuperate before moving on to the next step of your project.

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

The work you produce now is likely to sprout with instant gratification. This could be satisfying if you direct your work toward serving your highest good. This moment is teaching you exactly what you need to know. It is your responsibility to hear this wisdom. Your adversaries can be your best teachers. Turning to opposing perspectives could open the way to your life’s central purpose. Your instinct tells you what ambitions to pursue. The degree of your belief in your capabilities and worthiness could hold you back or propel you forward.  

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Your creativity is taking shape all around you. You have made changes to yourself that conflict with your old routine. This is tough but rewarding work. Emotional maturity can sometimes feel like growing pains. Explore your new situation by learning more about your environment. This is a fun and exciting time. Your heart wants to grow and expand. Instead of telling yourself what you want and how to achieve it, let your natural happiness guide you.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

You can refill your heart with the comfort and stability of this moment. Those around you support and care for you. If you accept this support, you allow yourself to grow into creativity and joy. Release judgment and attachment, replace it with gratitude and contentment. This is easier said than done for some, but the reward is endless when you feel grateful for what you already have. From there, permit yourself to indulge in all the pleasures of your liking.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

You thrive without restrictions or limitations and circumstances grant you this freedom now. While freedom is necessary for you, you still desire the comfort of stability. Keep this in mind when making decisions to serve your best interest. A refreshing and frisky air shakes things up in your relationships. Explore new friends, ideas and places. Experiment with sharing your inner thoughts and desires in a way you never have before. Don’t hold back.

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

A sense of relief washes over you as you bask in the glow of your hard work. Your latest project leaves you feeling satisfied and inspired. What have you learned? What will you do differently next time? How can you combine work and play every day? These are the questions to ask yourself as you start a new project. Any great accomplishment begins as an idea. Work through all the kinks and details on the drawing board before you try to construct anything. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

You may not recognize the person you see in the mirror in a good way. A sense of self-love gives you permission to relax in your home and enjoy the rewards of your labor. There is an air of creativity about you. Be mindful of where you direct your thoughts and energy. The conditions of your life are fertile enough to develop whatever you want to see in the world. This is an exciting and powerful time. Slow down and breathe in the whole experience.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You have reached the peak of a situation and now you can relax and enjoy the ride. It’s like you spent months exhausting your energy to climb a mountain, and at the top, you can ride a water-slide down. There is no work you need to do at this moment. Celebrate the achievements you’ve made. Praise yourself for the growth you went through to get here. You started this journey as a different person than you are now. Acknowledge the parts of yourself you left behind and the parts you still are. What are you taking with you on your next adventure?