January 21, 2025

This week’s horoscope covers general astrology through Gemini season, ending June 20. 

Summer starts with the amorous planet of Venus in the nurturing sign of Cancer. Bless yourself and others with compassion and emotional understanding. The Gemini new moon combines with a solar eclipse on June 10. The eclipse brings erratic energy to the contemplative quiet of the dark moon. Plant your intentions and expect radical changes to sprout new beginnings. Assertive expressions fuel the fire of creativity as Mars enters Leo. Stay mindful of your presence as it may feel easy to slip into arrogance.

Each sign has inspirational affirmations to close our horoscope series. Many thanks to the readers and the team who helped put weekly horoscopes together. Bye for now!

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Communication is key. I release control and possession over what is not mine. I grant myself and others loving freedom and support. I practice patience and surrender to changes as they appear in the moment. 

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

I can attract anything to me. I accept there is a generous share of wealth available to me if I choose to accept it. I acknowledge that I have infinite opportunities to express my talents and creativity. How I feel and express myself determines what opportunities are available to me.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

I decide to step out of my comfort zone with confidence and conviction. I make decisions with my own best intentions in mind and trust that what is meant for me will come. I surrender control and accept myself where I am. Peace is always available to me. 

Cancer (June 21st – July 20th)

Prosperity lies ahead. I enhance those around me by showing up as my true self. I am certain of my purpose and aligned with my real self. I can live as I choose and achieve my purpose and goals. 

Leo (July 21st – August 21st)

When emotions are running high, I remind myself I am perfect and complete exactly how I am. I nourish my body and mind so that I may enjoy this lifetime. I have faith in the power of myself as an individual.

Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd)

I welcome this new beginning without hesitation or expectation. I steer my focus toward an environment I thrive in. I trust my inner voice to always make the right decision for me. 

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

I do not allow my worries to limit my levels of joy. I work through my fears and watch them shrink away. I grant myself the gift of feeling good whenever I choose. 

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

I use my time for healing and connecting with my desires. I have faith in my true self and allow that person to come through. All of the pieces are set in place so I may relax.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th)

I cultivate connection with the divine powers I witness every day. I trust that everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents. I step out of my worried mind and into what I know is true.

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th)

I leave my mind open to the future. I pick and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I trust in the manifestations I have made because they were powered by service and love. 

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

My mood affects the vibrations of those around me. When I am dissatisfied with others, I am also dissatisfied with myself. I understand that shifts in the collective happen because of shifts within oneself. I believe in the impossible. 

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

I adjust my perspective to see fine details in the larger picture. There is more I can attract by doing less. I am always in the right place at the right time.