February 22, 2025


March 21st – April 20th

Enterprises you’ve been pursuing since the beginning of the new year are gaining momentum. There is an optimistic charge in the air. You’ve worked through something and you’re ready to move on. You have exceptional clarity about who you are, what gifts you have, and who and what you want to shift your energy toward. As the sun enters Aquarius, you’re reimagining how you want to cultivate relationships with those around you. How do the friends you choose support your goals and desires? Sharing your innovative ideas inspires others to collaborate with you and possibly make your dreams a reality. Unfortunately, the reality of your dreams is not the reality you see. Your behavior, attitude, and mindset generate reality as you perceive it. It’s best to channel any anger or frustration that comes up into productivity. If confrontation is unavoidable, maintain a malleable nature and prepare for unexpected outcomes. Your best strategy is to go with the flow while staying fixed toward your goal.


21st April – May 20th

The work you’ve been investing time and energy into is coming full circle. Revelations about yourself through spirituality are likely to arise. Whatever you’ve been attuning your energy toward has only existed in the plane of thought until now. Though your dreams are starting to take form, and your energetic stamina is far from depleted. You may feel so fixated on something that it enters your dream space! Indulge in your dreams and invite messages from your psychic space to offer you guidance. As the sun enters Aquarius, the fog starts to lift away and ignites a moment of sudden clarity. While it may feel more natural for you to propel the habits that keep you safe and comfortable, situations may demand a free-thinking, experimental mindset. Recognize which rules serve your greatest good and which ones don’t. Nurture yourself and remember growth is a process. A seed doesn’t have to try to grow; once it’s given proper conditions, it grows naturally.


May 21st – June 20th

You are your biggest advocate for yourself and what’s healthiest for you. Check in with your progress on your current journey. What goals have you set for yourself? Are you living according to your values? Are you nurturing yourself with the conditions to manifest your dreams? You may have to set boundaries in your relationships and commitments to ensure proper support. As the sun enters Aquarius, you’re drawn to growth and expansion of the mind. Though this could take place in a traditional educational institute, anything that catches your curiosity is worth pursuing. Talk to different people, ask different questions and seek to understand new perspectives. The more you commit to a state of constant learning, the more wisdom you equip yourself with on your quest. Though it may feel impossible and unrealistic to live out loud in this world, it is something you must do. Set an example for those around you to cultivate a world in which our most authentic selves are our most beautiful selves.


June 21st – July 20th

Arrive as your true self to every occasion and commit to your passions daily. This is key to transforming your self-image and shifting the way others perceive you. Notice instances where you make yourself small, put others’ needs before yours or conform your behavior to what the collective approves of. Remember: your voice matters. Your happiness and comfort in your own skin matter as much as the people you’ve been putting before you. This does not mean you are selfish —quite the opposite! You cannot take care of others until you take care of yourself. Ask for what you want. Express your wants and needs and you may be surprised by how generous and loving those around you can be. By communicating and collaborating with friends, you are likely to reach a moment of clarity or closure in your spiritual awakening. 


July 21st – August 21st

You have been learning and educating yourself a lot lately on matters of importance to you. You are uninterested in any activities that infringe upon your personal freedom and joy. Notice when situations excite you and remind yourself when you feel excitement turn into anxiousness. The planetary aspects are charged but not ready for action yet. Honor the commitments you’ve made to your work by sharing with the community. You understand that you are an irreplaceable individual with limitless creativity to offer this world. Remind others the same magic exists inside of them too. Cultivate harmony in social activities by rethinking communication patterns that close the door to love. Often, harmonious relationships with others start by living in harmony with yourself.


August 22nd – September 22nd

If you feel like you are a different person, it’s because you are! You have been undergoing a great transformation and you’re coming into awareness of its tangible effects on you. Pay attention to the wisdom of your body. You may be retaining old habits that were initially built to serve an old version of yourself. Whether it’s drinking more water or altering negative belief systems, you know what is and isn’t good for you. As you sort through what you would like to keep and what you are ready to leave behind, freshen your mindset through studying education, philosophy or the esoteric realm. You will find more comfort in being yourself when you forgive what has passed. Incubating in this expansive mindset opens you up to possibilities in your career and vocation. Though change happens subtly over time, your emotional experiences transform you just as a river cuts through the earth. 


September 23rd – October 22nd

Remember to advocate for yourself in the commitments you’ve made, especially important partnerships. Validate your emotions, even if they may not seem logical to you. Listen to your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is. As the sun enters Aquarius, love and creative projects demand your experimental thinking. Set aside any need to have an answer right away. Whatever outcome you’re anticipating, it’s unlikely to turn out how you imagine. The future is now. Are you going to rush through it or enjoy the journey? Indulge in joy and creative projects. Through embracing your inner child, you can gain a new perspective that results in your great transformation. Open yourself up to conversations of religions, philosophies and ideologies that are foreign to you and try to find a relation in them. 


October 23rd – November 22nd

Pertinent issues concerning your health and service to others indicate where you’ve been putting your attention. Notice how your thoughts change your emotions and physical body. Whatever has been brewing in your mind is important in the big picture, but gripping onto negative thoughts creates blockages that are a disservice to your wellbeing. As the sun enters Aquarius, it brings about a sense of homecoming. It is not only safe to be yourself at this time, you are honored and cherished for being yourself. Ground yourself in experiences that make you feel at home and with people you consider family. Consider your needs in intimate social relationships. If those you are in partnership with don’t make you feel at home, your commitment to them will be short-lived. You need to feel stable to grow past any fear, anger or insecurities that normally shut you off. When you can hold those parts of yourself, you undergo deep healing and transformation. 


November 23rd – December 20th

You often tend to your responsibilities first. This week, focus less on what you think you should be doing and more on what feels good. Life is a creative act. The best way to expand your knowledge and expertise is through experimentation. As the sun enters Aquarius, express your ideas that welcome authentic joy in your life. Let go of any fixations you have and remember nothing is permanent. Change is inevitable, and by practicing adaptability, you grease the hinges on doors to new opportunities. Areas of your life that feel heavy or stuck are calling for your attention to shift. You can restore comfort and allow yourself to rest simply by putting down what feels heavy. Free up your mental real estate for new and exciting projects. If it seems out of the ordinary, you’re on the right track! Relationships — especially one-on-one relationships — are great mirrors for the energy we’re putting out there. 


December 21st – January 19th

Savor moments of quiet and comfort when you can tend to your needs because they won’t last long. You’ve been building habits and structures that are aligned with your authentic self. As you begin to share your work, the community offers you a period of revision. No great work is ever finished. As the sun enters Aquarius, there is a need to express yourself differently. Routines you’ve been used to conducting to keep the system running are likely to be disrupted. Whether you know the source of this discomfort or not, challenge yourself to play with new limitations. It’s natural to hesitate when our investments — especially those concerning money and finances — become unstable. This is natural. Instead of digging your heels into the ground, try to turn this process into a dance. Through innovative thinking, a new system of sustainability will develop. Balance your creative energy with your disciplined nature in your daily routine.  


January 20th – February 18th

You are naturally independent and free-thinking while simultaneously stubborn. Remember breakdowns precede breakthroughs and rebellion is the mother of invention. If you want energy to move up and out, you need to identify blockages or clogs in the system. If the blockage is not clear, you may be part of the problem. Establish a line of communication between all versions of yourself, and establish where your values are rooted. Identifying where belief systems started can help untangle some karmic knots. Start repatterning your thoughts to what resonates with you right now. As the sun enters Aquarius, there is no room for normality. There is no need to fight to be yourself at the moment. Use your gift of seeing the world through an unorthodox lens to recognize rules that are ready to be broken. Any tendency of struggle is a sign that something is not working. You have the power to change the future by simply shifting your thoughts and perspective. 


February 19th – March 20th

Adaptability is your hidden superpower this week. You have an acute understanding of the world as a deep, evolving being. Human beings are complex and constantly changing, and you are no exception. You may want something to work according to your vision or how it worked in the past. If you feel any resistance in your projects, stop. You’ll find yourself beating your head against the wall if you try to force things to happen in a particular way. Traditional rules and methods are useless. Nothing is set in stone. Reinvent your response to the ever-changing external world by maintaining internal balance. As the sun enters Aquarius, you sink into a psychic state of awareness about a situation that has been nagging for your attention for quite some time. Your emotions guide you toward the root of this situation, so don’t be afraid to dive deep. One revelation is all it takes to send sparks flying and make mental connections. Now is the time to dream of your ideal future and bring it to life. Every action now sets the stage for you and the rest of humanity in the future.