February 22, 2025

When joining or thinking about joining a club it can be challenging to make that first step as it can involve a lot of commitment and time — which many students at LCC may not have, especially so close to finals. However, LCC’s newly reopened Film Club may prove to be a safe haven to those searching for new friends and some time away from the stress of finals. 

LCC’s Film Club was active for years pre-COVID-19 and was incredibly active and popular. Before the pandemic there was a planned trip to a theater in Portland. However, like most clubs and organizations during the pandemic, the club ceased operation and planned to reorganize.  Many of the club’s original members moved on and the club was stuck in limbo with nobody to operate it. Tevin Goddard, the club’s current president, who was always interested in joining a club but never had the chance, asked  professor of  Film History,  Kate Sullivan if the club was ever going to return.  Sullivan then offered Goddard the opportunity to start the club and get it back on its feet. From there, Goddard went from wanting to join a club to leading it. 

Tevin Goddard is the new club president.

The club, as of now, has only had two meetings and is currently looking for new members. Goddard hopes to make the film club a group effort where everyone is involved in the process of making the club be the best it can be. The current future plan for the club once more members join is to hold a vote at the beginning of each semester to chose a certain theme, currently the theme is Sci-Fi  

The club only has a few members but they are looking to recruit more.

For future terms they hope to get a good amount of members so they can make an official group vote and then have a discussion on which films to watch and hopefully form a lineup. Many aspects of the club are still being decided and up to debate as the club is a mere two weeks old so it is the perfect time to get involved in a newly formed community to students who are interested. 

Overall, he hopes to make a peaceful space where any student of any viewpoint can enjoy diverse films from all across the world and have discussions regarding the film’s impact on cultures and communities across the world. Or, to put it simply, a place for friends to get together and watch a good film.