New Friends and Interesting Stories Await at LCC’s Anime Club

Anime, as a medium, has been in pop culture for decades as a source of action, adventure and romance for fans worldwide. Luckily for those very fans Lane Community College’s own Anime Club opens its doors for those looking to kick back and enjoy. 

Beyond the shows, what else does the club have in store for fans? LCC’s Anime Club was originally founded in 2013 by Brandon Schmidt and stood strong up until the pandemic when, like many other clubs and organizations, it had to close. Luckily, the club is back in action with its new president Kyle Tucker dedicated to reviving the club. 

Kyle Tucker joined the anime club in 2015 and is dedicated to reviving it.

Tucker first joined the club in 2015 and his admiration for the genre grew. He still has many friends he first met at the club. Tucker has been watching anime since the days of Toonami, an old afternoon block on cartoon network in the early 2000s, and ever since joining the club it’s done nothing but expand his interest for the medium. He feels that the club has truly expanded his horizons when it comes to being exposed to different types of genre within the anime scene. Tucker hopes and invites all to take a seat and enjoy yourself as you become immersed in something he holds dear. 

The club operates every Friday at the Center Building’s fourth floor in room 432.  Every week they watch the anime of the week chosen via a group vote . The club then gets together to watch two to three episodes of the chosen series, then they have a group discussion at the end. The discussion varies in complexity where sometimes the group will point out favorable parts or, for some more impactful shows, the group will have more in-depth conversations regarding the hidden themes, history and cultural impacts of the show. 

The club watches movies and then discusses the themes.

The conversations are sparked by Tucker who makes sure they do not stray and everyone’s voices are heard and not trampled. Tucker wishes to grow a club where everyone’s views are respected and the club is a place where anybody can take a seat and enjoy.