January 21, 2025

It was a who’s who of Lane Community College administration at President Marge Hamilton’s retirement celebration. The second floor of the Center Building was decorated with a congratulations banner and jazz music filled the space. President Hamilton gave a speech thanking board members, staff and students who have made her feel welcome these past five years. 

Mayor Lucy Vinis sat up front and President Hamilton acknowledged the relationship between the city and LCC. “I learned about city government from Mayor Vinis.” She spoke about the 2020 bond project and how strange it felt to have to go ask for money. She thanked everyone for their efforts in securing that money and expressed excitement for the future wellness building. 

“Why would I leave? I’ve met so many good people here!” President Hamilton joked as a response to whether she would go back east. Hamilton moved from New Jersey but has found a home in Oregon. “They even taught me how to go river rafting on the McKenzie, and I’m good now!”

The speech ended with a standing ovation as she finished thanking people by name. Attendees then enjoyed a charcuterie style spread while a five piece jazz band provided entertainment. President Hamilton will pass the position to Dr. Stephanie Bulger beginning this summer.