LCC Board of Education Candidate Campaigns: What To Know

By Kat Tabor Four seats on the Lane Community College Board are up for grabs in the May 20 special election. Elected candidates will serve four-year terms, except for At-Large Position 7, which carries a two-year unexpired term. Zone 1, representing western Lane County, is currently held by Denise Diamond. Chair Zachary Mulholland represents Zone…

Devon Lawson Enters LCC Board Race, Challenging Appointed Incumbent Julie Weismann

By Kat Tabor With the special election approaching, Devon Lawson has announced his candidacy for the Lane Community College Board of Education, seeking the Zone 3 director position. Zone 3 includes Springfield and Marcola. Lawson is a current student at LCC and a member of the college’s Bond Oversight Committee. Lawson, who is also dual-enrolled…

Richard A. Vasquez Enters Race for Board

Vasquez Announces Candidacy, Challenging Incumbent Austin Fölnagy By Kat Tabor  Richard A. Vasquez, a self-employed consultant with a background in legal studies and education, has announced his candidacy for the Lane Community College (LCC) Board of Education, seeking to represent Zone 4. The seat, which covers eastern Lane County, is currently held by Austin Fölnagy,…

Maldonado Kicks Off LCC Board Elections

Jesse Maldonado seeks at-large seat following board’s deadlock in appointment process By Kat Tabor University of Oregon adjunct professor Jesse Maldonado has announced his candidacy for the two year at-large seat 7 on the Lane Community College Board of Education.  The seat was left vacant after now-state Rep. Lisa Fragala resigned in November 2024, and…

648 Student Letters Delivered to Lane Board of Education

Lane Students Advocate for Themselves With the Help of LCCEABy Kat Tabor On Jan. 26, Lane Community College students demonstrated the power of collective action by delivering 648 letters to the LCC Board of Education. The letters detailed students’ needs for success and were part of a letter-writing campaign organized by the Lane Community College…

LCC Board of Education member vacancy appointing postponed indefinitely

On Dec. 18, the Lane Community College Board of Education held a special meeting to address the vacancy for Member-at-Large Position Seven, which became open following the resignation of Lisa Fragala in November. Fragala stepped down after being elected to the Oregon Legislature. Past board members have resigned to become Lane County commissioners or have…

Another Board meeting about the Health Clinic leaves attendees with more questions than answers

Students and staff rallied once more on May 17 in response to the ongoing controversy over the possible closure of the LCC Health Clinic. After the rally, they headed to another Board meeting. The meeting began with Lisa Fragala opening up with a motion to discuss the timeline of the health clinic.  It was met…

“Be more honest with faculty and students, because if not, what’s the point of anything?” Another rally against closing the Health Clinic draws more students.

Early May, LCC President Bulger sent a controversial email to employees regarding the potential closing of the Health Clinic by the end of the Fall 2023 term. In response a rally was held on May 3rd at the Board meeting with over 20 students and staff standing in front of the Board to voice their…