January 21, 2025

Join us Wednesday, November 15th from 2:00 to 5:00 for an artist talk and reception with special guest Clark Whittington, the creator of the Art-o-mat® project. Clark came from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (the tobacco capital of the world) to upgrade Lane’s machine and to speak to the history and concept behind Art-o-mat. Join in on a free raffle during the reception for your chance to purchase art from Lane’s machine! Even if you don’t win, you can still become an art collector for ONLY $5! The experience of pulling the knob alone is quite a thrill, but you also walk away with an original work of art. What an easy way to become an art collector. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Lane Community College Art Gallery has proudly hosted Oregon’s first Art-o-mat machine since 2004, coming up on our 20 year anniversary! Over 2,600 pieces of original art have been purchased through Lane’s machine. Art-o-mats are beautifully renovated retired cigarette vending machines converted to vend art. Over 200 active machines across the country are loaded with original works from over 400 Art-o-mat artists from the US and abroad. Artworks are only $5 each, so it’s easy to become an art collector! Believing that art should be progressive, yet personal and approachable, the Art-o-mat  project combines the worlds of art and commerce in an innovative form. What better way to do this, than with a heavy cold steel machine? https://www.artomat.org/