March 29, 2025

Bob Baldwin, who retired two weeks ago from his position as LCC’s Purchasing Coordinator, threw his hat in the race for LCC Board of Education Position 6. Baldwin. Baldwin stated,“I don’t need a learning curve, there is not a lot about the college I don’t know.” Baldwin has a masters degree in taxation, is CPA-certified, and holds a B.S. from the University of Oregon in political science.

Baldwin argued that his opponent “may be a wonderful person but besides philanthropy he has no experience with LCC.” Baldwin’s opponent in the race is Kevin Alltucker who announced his campaign on Feb. 7. Alltucker did attend LCC in 1978 but his professional credentials revolve around the University of Oregon and local non-profit organizations. 

Baldwin announced in a press release that his campaign is not accepting donations, only endorsements. He has already been endorsed by former LCC Board member, state senator, and Lane County Commissioner Pete Sorenson; and Greg Morgan, LCC’s former Chief Financial Office.

Baldwin said, “I have been to over 200 LCC board meetings, I have heard every word that every board member has said.” Baldwin was also the President of LCC’s classified union and has been “entrenched in LCC’s finances for 30 years.” 

According to his website, Baldwin believes that LCC’s financial situation is worse than the public is made to believe. “For many years now, internal politics have taken priority over sound financial management.” He said that LCC is facing a financial crisis, including three vacant college finance manager positions that have been empty since last June and are just now being filled. Baldwin added, “My sole reason for running is that I believe that my experience makes me the best qualified candidate to help fix what has become a broken, political mess.” 

Elections will be held on May 16, 2023.