March 29, 2025

The Springfield City Club will be hosting a candidate forum on Thursday, April 20 for the LCC Board of Education election. The candidates who have filed include: Rich Cunningham, Zach Mulholland, and Nick Skelton for Zone 2; Kevin Alltucker and Bob Baldwin for Position 6; and Lisa Fragala and Kyle Reallon for Position 7. 

The Torch has previously reported on Kevin Alltucker and Bob Baldwin’s respective candidacies. Alltucker, Fragala, Mulholland and Skelton have released candidate statements. Alltucker credits his experience as a construction engineer, local business owner, and  university professor to why he believes he should be on the board. Fragala was elected in 2018 to serve on the board and is “excited to continue working hard to ensure that it’s a vibrant and accessible place of learning for everyone in Lane County.” Mulholland, a clean energy policy researcher and lobbyist, hopes to “promote lifelong learning opportunities, ensure that LCC is on strong financial footing, and support young people who want to accelerate their education.” Skelton believes that engaging with the community will be crucial to the board’s success.

The forum will be held Thursday, April 20 at 12:00 p.m. The forum will be in person at the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce offices, 101 S. A Street. There will also be a zoom link available on their website and questions can be submitted for candidates to