March 9, 2025

Wednesday, 05/01/24, the SGA (student government association) held a Mixer event in the center building, second floor. The Mixer was an opportunity for the candidates to introduce themselves to the student body. Ice breaker games, a raffle with prizes, and a chocolate fountain were a part of the event. 

The purpose of the SGA is to establish and foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of students to fellow students, the college, the community, the country, and humanity. To ensure that the student body is officially represented in all college-related activities and organizations and to sponsor student organizations and provide limited funding for student clubs.

The candidates were open and welcoming, answering questions and speaking on their hopes and plans for their role in the SGA, if elected. Sophie Gibson running for president said, “I want every student to feel included and as if they have a place to use their voice. I will achieve this by being engaged with my fellow students at events and making sure to listen to them. Our college isn’t a community without us, the students. We deserve to feel like we all have a space to be ourselves.” Jordan Meyers, running for vice president said “I’d like to help facilitate more student-faculty interactive opportunities, I believe that those relationships are important in providing a more well-rounded college experience.” 

For the offices of Senator,  Emma Duncan said, “I think it’s important that resources are provided for and dispersed to the diverse minority clubs that are represented here.” “The student body is diverse and often underrepresented,” said Alicia Mendez, “I have a healthy determination to represent the students at LCC to the best of my ability.” However, there are other student issues, Smanga Mdlalose said, “Student housing is an issue I’d like to see addressed, and ways that it may benefit LCC students.”

The many clubs and student associations are allocated funds to aid in their functioning, these funds are included in the tuition when enrolling at LCC, and is specifically for disbursement to these student organizations. An issue addressed by many of the candidates had been the importance of the budget. “I plan to continue the mission of the SGA and its allocation of funds to the various clubs, equitably,” said Gate Mumbata. Also running for senator, Khuliso Siala, said, “The budget should be handled with fiscal responsibility, as treasurer, and I’m good with numbers.” Aman Nurmukhanbetov said, “I’d like to help connect students to the resources here, which include financial assistance.” 

For the Office of the Student Activity Committee and chair, Abbygail Villegas, “I’m running for student activity fee committee chair, I hope to bring focus on minority clubs, and keep the “student activity fee” low and the resources invested back into the clubs.” If elected to the Student Activity Fee Committee,“I hope to represent the student body with accuracy and attentiveness of their needs,” says Kat Tabor.

05/08/24, the SGA will be hosting a candidate debate, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Building 19, Auditorium. Students are encouraged to attend. Voting will open 05/08/24 – 05/10/24 on Moodle, with the results being announced on 05/13/24. For more information on the SGA follow the link: