Dear Torch Editor:
Eugene artist Kum Ja Lee’s stunning creations are currently on exhibit in the Lane Community College Art Galleries now through March 16, 2023. Visitors will experience the breadth of Lee’s experiential, metaphor-laden and tactile work including paintings, fiber works and a site specific installation that is breath-taking in both its scope and visual impact—a truly must see art experience.
An artist’s talk is scheduled for Thursday March 2, 1:00 p.m. in the art gallery. Lee will share her process and talk about the works on display.
Thoughtful and meditative, Lee’s work visually explores time and the various ways its effects are manifested in nature and human experience. The cultural perspectives and duality of East and West are juxtaposed in Lee’s work to articulate an inclusive visual dialogue rooted in identity and process.
Kum Ja Lee is a recipient of a 2022-2023 Lane Arts Council Artist Grant Award that supported the creation of her site specific installation for the Roger Hall Gallery space. The installation creates a rhythmic and contemplative environment by dynamically filling the space with polychrome threads connected to the walls and ceiling. Standing under part of the installation, a “shelf” area, I felt a timelessness and my sense of the physical space I inhabited was altered. I was immersed in the artwork and a part of its mesmerizing flow.
Thank you!
Kathleen Caprario-Ulrich
Part Time Studio Instructor
Art Department
Lane Community College
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